Sliding scale membership

As part of our mission, we believe ALL children should have access to sports and recreational activities where they feel understood, safe and successful. We also understand that the financial component can create a barrier to inclusion.

In an effort to further this mission of inclusion, we are now offering the option of a sliding scale membership for our group gymnastics classes. These will be limited and based on the living wage calculations for Davidson County, Tennessee.

Who qualifies for a sliding scale membership?

If our group class prices ($150-$190/month) are out of reach, we encourage you to apply for a Sliding Scale Membership. We’ll ask you to choose from one of three tiers:

Tier A: $45-$57/month

Tier B: $75-$95/month

Tier C: $100-$125/month

How long is the pricing applicable for?

Our sliding scale fees can be used for short term (if you’ve had a recent job loss, unexpected medical bills, etc) or long term. Once we approve your application, the pricing is good for 12 months, at which point, we will ask for a new application. If you discontinue classes with us, you will be asked to complete a new application before starting new classes again.

Is there anything else I should know?

Memberships are limited and are dependent on the honesty of our community.